Greg Hess Consulting, LLC was established to assist homeowners, attorneys, contractors, insurance companies, and homeowners associations with construction defect related problems. Our primary objective is to help clients to quickly and effectively resolve any construction disputes, defects and problems through supporting documentation for construction lawsuits or mediation of construction related disputes.
We offer many services to assist our clients in resolving their dispute. We can assist attorneys in review and understanding of the construction documents, plans and contract. Through investigation and discovery, we can determine the source of the problem or defect and offer both a solution and a cost analysis for the repair or resolution. We can establish a list of calculated damages for insurance companies or pending lawsuits. We also offer expert witness testimony for construction related lawsuits. We can prepare exhibits, reports, opinions and conclusions based on our investigation and discovery as well as with the use of our construction knowledge.
Greg Hess Consulting, LLC also offers mediation services. The goal of mediation is to foster a mutually acceptable resolution between the parties involved in the dispute. We serve as a neutral mediator to help the parties involved reach an agreement while avoiding expensive legal fees and the emotional toll that comes with lawsuits. Mediation allows both parties to become involved in the resolution of their dispute, rather than having a judge make the decision in court during a lawsuit.
Greg Hess Consulting, LLC offers a unique service to homeowners associations as well. All to often HOA’s are dealing with maintenance issues. They result in large assessments to owners that sometimes have not budgeted for these large assessments. We can do a thorough walk through of the entire complex and/or individual units to assess the complexes future needs. We can prepare a cost analysis of the future maintenance and repairs the complex will need. We can also present these findings at the yearly HOA meetings or to the board of directors. We can also assist in vetting contractors and subcontractors during the bidding process for any repairs or maintenance the complex may need. Should your complex undergo any maintenance or construction project, we can act as the eyes and ears (agent) for the HOA during the entire process.